Yoga and Yum

Nourish Your Self From the Inside Out

Tag: cooking with essential oils

Cinnamon Cherry Chocolate Almond Bark

This spicy sweet chocolate bark can be made in bulk and makes a great gift.

This spicy sweet chocolate bark can be made in bulk and makes a great gift.

It’s almost holiday party time, so it’s best to arm yourself with some chocolate. (Seems like perfectly reasonable logic to me…right?) Need to make dessert in a pinch? Chocolate bark is super simple and fast. It takes about 10 minutes to assemble, and can cool in the fridge (or outdoors, now that it’s chilly enough) in about 20 minutes. I like this recipe because of it’s spicy, sweet, savory-ness. And the tart cherries add a nice textural and flavor dimension too. Enjoy!


1 bar of organic, fair trade, chocolate (preferably 70-80% cacao)
1/2 cup toasted almonds, roughly chopped
1/2 cup dried tart cherries, roughly chopped
1-2 drops doTERRA cinnamon essential oil
1 pinch chile powder (New Mexico Chimayo is my favorite!)
1 pinch ground cinnamon powder


Line a 9×13 baking sheet with wax paper.

Heat a small saucepan over low heat. Place chocolate peices in the pan and melt slowly, constantly stirring to ensure even melting.

When chocolate is completely melted and smooth, turn off the burner (about 2-3 minutes).

Add the drop or two of cinnamon essential oil and stir until well-blended. Mix in the nuts, cherries, and a teeny pinch of chile powder.

Immediately pour onto prepared baking sheet. With flexible rubber spatula spread into an 8×10 rectangle about 1/4 inch-ish thick.

Sprinkle with powdered cinnamon and another teeny sprinkle of chile powder.

Refrigerate (or put outside if the weather is cool enough) and chill until firm (about 20-30 minutes)

*Refrigerate up to 5 days (if it last that long…which it won’t).


Almonds: Almonds are a Supernut. High in monounsaturated fats (associated with reduced risk of heart disease), almonds contain high amounts of vitamin E, magnesium, and potassium. They are also high in protein, which makes them an ideal snack. See here for more health benefits and nutritional information. Many suggest that soaking nuts (and grains, legumes, and seeds) before consuming them enhances their nutritional quality.

Cacao (Chocolate): Organic cacao is a legit superfood. It abounds with Vitamin A, C, and E, and a plethora of B vitamins, as well as, magnesium, copper, calcium, manganese, zinc, sulphur, iron, chromium, phosphorus, and Omega 6 fatty acids. It is also high in protein and fiber. Move over spinach! See here for more health benefits and nutritional information.

Chile: Ah, the beloved chile. A sacred plant where I come from (New Mexico), this pungent pepper has a myriad of health benefits. The phytonutrients found in chile can fight inflammation, clear congestion, boost your metabolism and immunity, while balancing your blood sugar. See here for more health benefits and nutritional information.

Cinnamon Oil: Cinnamon essential oil helps to boost metabolism and digestive health. It is also a powerful antioxidant, helps support immunity, enhance circulation, strengthen libido and elevate mood. See here to learn more about doTERRA essential oils.

*NOTE: Not all essential oils are created equal. I only use doTERRA because their oils are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade, which is suitable for internal, external, and aromatherapeutic consumption.

*NOTE: All doTERRA Essential Oils are extremely potent. I’d recommend 1 drop per batch. Otherwise, just know that you will have a VERY strong-tasting snack!

Click here to learn more about doTERRA Essential Oils.

Apple Cinnamon Paleo Pancakes

These pancakes are the perfect Sunday morning treat.

These pancakes are the perfect Sunday morning treat.

My husband and I have officially dubbed Sunday as “Pancake Day,” because of these filling and delightful pancakes. They’re very hearty and will keep your tank full for whatever Sunday shenanigans you have planned. This recipe made enough for two hungry hippos, but you could certainly double the batch if you’re hosting brunch. Try them topped with berries for sweetness or a fried egg if you’re looking for an extra hit of protein. Enjoy!


1/2 cup homemade apple sauce (or organic, no sugar added)
4 eggs
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
4 tablespoons coconut flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup almond meal
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger, or to taste
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg, or to taste
1-2 drops doTERRA cinnamon essential oil
coconut oil for cooking oil
*optional: 1-2 teaspoons maple syrup


Whisk together apple sauce, eggs, (optional maple syrup) cinnamon oil, and vanilla extract together in a bowl until smooth.

Combine coconut flour, baking soda, salt, almond meal, nutmeg, and ginger together in a separate bowl.

Stir the applesauce mixture and flour mixture together in the bigger bowl until well combined.

Allow batter to sit for a few minutes.

Heat a dab of coconut oil in a skillet over low heat. Pour palm-sized circles of batter into the hot oil. Cook until lightly browned, about 3-5 minutes per side. (You’ll know when it’s safe to flip them, as they won’t be jiggly in the center when you wiggle the pan).

Serve with more applesauce, ghee, and if you have it, pure maple syrup.


Almonds: Almonds are a Supernut. High in monounsaturated fats (associated with reduced risk of heart disease), almonds contain high amounts of vitamin E, magnesium, and potassium. They are also high in protein, which makes them an ideal snack. See here for more health benefits and nutritional information. Many suggest that soaking nuts (and grains, legumes, and seeds) before consuming them enhances their nutritional quality.

Apples:  My, what balanced phytonutrients you have, oh beloved apple. Apples contain a wide array of polyphenols which help regulate our blood sugar. They’re also a great source of Vitamin C and other antioxidants, and fiber. See here for more health benefits and nutritional information.

Cinnamon Oil: Cinnamon essential oil helps to boost metabolism and digestive health. It is also a powerful antioxidant, helps support immunity, enhance circulation, strengthen libido and elevate mood. See here to learn more about doTERRA essential oils.

Eggs: (Preferably pasture-fed and/or organic) Eggs are a good source of low-cost high-quality protein. They provide over 6 grams of protein (13% of the daily value for protein) each, and are a good source of choline, a key component of many fat-containing structures in cell membranes, which is particularly important for brain function and health. Eggs are also a rich source of tryptophan and selenium. See here for more health benefits and nutritional information.

Ginger: Ginger is very effective in alleviating symptoms of gastrointestinal distress such as gas, bloating, motion sickness, and morning sickness. See here for more health benefits and nutritional information.

Nutmeg: Nutmeg has been used in traditional medicines as an anti-fungal, anti-depressant, aphrodisiac, digestive aid. It is also a good source of copper, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, zinc, and magnesium, and B-complex vitamins including Vitamin C, folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, and Vitamin A. In small doses it’s great, but don’t overdo it! This powerful spice can be toxic if consumed in large amounts. See here for more health benefits and nutritional information.

Mexican Chocolate Ice Box Tart

Impress your guests with this easy chocolate tart.

Impress your guests with this easy chocolate tart.

Inspired by Dr. Andrew Weil’s recipe for the chocolate ice box tart from his beautiful cookbook True Food.

Looking for a way to include “healthy” fats into your diet? Well, look no further. This is my most favorite homemade chocolatey dessert of all time. A dab will do ya, as it is pretty much entirely comprised of fat. And while the jury is still out on whether coconut oil is as miraculous as many claim it to be (I think it’s just fine in small to medium-sized doses), it makes for a truly delectable dessert.

This chilled confection is actually warming due to the alchemy of the spices usually found in Mexican hot chocolate. May you enjoy this sweet treat as much as my husband, dinner guests, and I did! Plus it’s great to send leftovers home with party goers, or snag a bite for breakfast the next morning! The cocoa contains plenty of caffeine, and coconut oil is known to provide sustained energy. Enjoy!


1 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
3/4 cups ground almonds
1 1/3 cup organic fair trade cocoa powder, divided
1/3 cup local honey, divided
1 1/3 cup coconut oil, divided
1/2 cup almond butter
1 pinch sea salt
1 pinch cinnamon
1 pinch cardammom
1 pinch powdered ginger
1-2 drops doTERRA cinnamon essential oil


In a bowl, mix together the shredded coconut, almonds, 1/3 cup of the cocoa, 3 tablespoons of the honey, and 1/3 cup of the coconut oil.

Mix until well-combined to make the crust.

Press this mixture into the bottom and along the sides of a 11X7X2 inch sheet pan, or into a pie plate (for thicker pieces).

Allow to chill for 30 minutes.

Add the remaining ingredients to a food processor and blend until smooth, stopping to scrape the sides of the bowl.

Pour the filling into the chilled tart shell, and allow to chill for 2 more hours (or until firm).

Cover and refrigerate any leftovers for up to 3 days.


Almonds: Almonds are a Supernut. High in monounsaturated fats (associated with reduced risk of heart disease), almonds contain high amounts of vitamin E, magnesium, and potassium. They are also high in protein, which makes them an ideal snack. See here for more health benefits and nutritional information. Many suggest that soaking nuts (and grains, legumes, and seeds) before consuming them enhances their nutritional quality.

Cacao: Organic cacao is a legit superfood. It abounds with Vitamin A, C, and E, and a plethora of B vitamins, as well as, magnesium, copper, calcium, manganese, zinc, sulphur, iron, chromium, phosphorus, and Omega 6 fatty acids. It is also high in protein and fiber. Move over spinach! See here for more health benefits and nutritional information.

Cardamom: This spice is an excellent source of iron and manganese, making it a rock star for blood and cellular regeneration. It also contains significant amounts of riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C, and can be used as an anti-spasmodic and digestive aid. Great for the belly AND the heart. See here for more health benefits and nutritional info.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon has long been used as a medicine. It’s a good source of manganese and calcium. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and helps to lessen unwanted blood clotting. It also has strong anti-microbial properties and help control blood sugar. The list of the powerful spice’s benefits continue, so see here for more health benefits and nutritional information.

Cinnamon Oil: Cinnamon essential oil helps to boost metabolism and digestive health. It is also a powerful antioxidant, helps support immunity, enhance circulation, strengthen libido and elevate mood. See here to learn more about doTERRA essential oils.

Coconut: Coconut is highly nutritious, rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Both modern and traditional medicine have recognized coconut as having antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Meanwhile coconut provides a nutritional source of quick energy, and can be used to enhance endurance and physical performance. Coconut is also soothing to the digestive tract, and aids in absorption of other nutrients within the body. See here for more health benefits and nutritional information.

Ginger: Ginger is very effective in alleviating symptoms of gastrointestinal distress such as gas, bloating, motion sickness, and morning sickness. See here for more health benefits and nutritional information.

Honey: Often called “Nature’s sweetener,” local, raw, honey is a great way to add sweetness to your life. Raw honey is packed with vitamins and minerals and offers anti-bacterial and and anti-viral properties. But according to the Ayurvedic tradition, don’t cook honey. Adding significant heat to honey both strips it of its vitamins, minerals, and enzymes while creating cellular toxicity. So add it to your cool dishes, or to warmer dishes AFTER they have finished cooking. See here for more health benefits and nutritional info.

*NOTE: Not all essential oils are created equal. I only use doTERRA because their oils are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade, which is suitable for internal, external, and aromatherapeutic consumption.

*NOTE: All doTERRA Essential Oils are extremely potent. I’d recommend 1 drop per dish. Otherwise, just know that you will have a VERY strong-tasting snack!

Click here to learn more about doTERRA Essential Oils.

Apple Beet Salad Stacks

Tired of boring tossed salads? Get architectural and stack which ever veggies you have on hand for a new take on salads!

Get architectural and stack which ever produce you have on hand for a new take on salads!

Autumn is one of my favorite times of year because a huge variety of produce is in season. I’m happy to report that the veggies in this salad were grown locally. I’d say they weren’t harmed in the making of this salad, but I’d be lying. They were all gobbled up (with love and appreciation, of course!).

If you’re looking for a new and delightful way to enjoy fruits and veggies, I highly recommend engaging your creative streak and stacking your veggies to towering heights. It’s important to tickle all the senses while preparing and eating one’s food, so may you build glorious vegetable stacks. (Sorry, Mom…I guess I’m telling people to play with their food.)

What other stackables can you imagine? Squash? Peppers? Eggplant skyscrapers? Other potential items to crumble over the top: bacon…maybe I’ll just leave it at that. (Apologies, vegans…a little chopped avocado would be delicious too…) Bon appétit!


Salad: (Serves 2)

Large handful or two of local, organic mixed greens
1 large apple, sliced thinly (honeycrisps are my personal favorite: sweet, tart, and crisp!)
2-3 medium sized beets, boiled or roasted until soft
Balsamic glaze for drizzling
*Optional toasted walnuts or pecans
*Optional blue cheese crumbles


1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
squeeze of 1/2 a lemon
1/2 teaspoon local honey
hefty pinch of salt
1-2 drops doTERRA lemon essential oil

Mix dressing ingredients and set aside.

Skin and slice the beets to match the width of your apple slices.

Toss the greens in the dressing in a mixing bowl.

Plate the greens.

Atop the greens, stack slices of the beets and apples, until you’ve reached your desired level of stacked-ness (new word?)

Sprinkle with nuts and cheese and drizzle with balsamic glaze.

Serve and enjoy!


Apples:  My, what balanced phytonutrients you have, oh beloved apple. Apples contain a wide array of polyphenols which help regulate our blood sugar. They’re also a great source of Vitamin C and other antioxidants, and fiber. See here for more health benefits and nutritional information.

Beet: A great source of phytonutrients called betalains, which provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification support. They are also an excellent source of folate, which is a crucial nutrient especially for those who are (or are looking to get) pregnant. They are also very high in manganese and fiber. These root veggies contain nutrient compounds that help protect against heart disease, birth defects and certain cancers, especially colon cancer. See here for more health benefits and nutritional information (raw) (cooked).

Lemon Essential Oil: Lemon oil has many properties including anticancer, antidepressant, antifungal, antiviral, antiseptic, and antioxidant. It is refreshing and invigorating, had can be used to help lower blood pressure, improve memory, ease sore throats and anxiety, help dissolve cellulite, boost energy, calm digestive problems, cleanse the lymphatic system, and promote a sense of well-being. See here to learn more about doTERRA essential oils.

Mixed Greens: Salad greens abound with vitamins A and C, beta-carotene, calcium, folate, fiber, and other phytonutrients. Make sure to rinse them thoroughly before eating. See here for more health benefits and safe handling instructions and nutritional information.

*NOTE: Not all essential oils are created equal. I only use doTERRA because their oils are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade, which is suitable for internal, external, and aromatherapeutic consumption.

*NOTE: All doTERRA Essential Oils are extremely potent. I’d recommend 1 drop per dish. Otherwise, just know that you will have a VERY strong-tasting snack!

Click here to learn more about doTERRA Essential Oils.


Warm your belly and your soul with this yummy, immune boosting elixir!

Warm your belly and your soul with this delicious, immune boosting elixir!

This warming treat is a nice caffeine-free alternative to coffee or chai. It is warm and creamy, and offers a little boost thanks to the stimulating properties of cinnamon. Cinnamon is a known immune supporting spice that is also great for your digestion (and libido!).

Cinna-Milk is packed with “good” fat, an absolute necessity for healthy cells, and other healing properties, depending on which spices you choose to include. Try it with ginger for an extra little kick of spiciness. And don’t be surprised if you find a smile passing your lips as you sip this cup of enlivening goodness. Enjoy!


1-2 cups raw, whole, local, organic milk (or you can use nut, seed, or coconut milk)
*Note: you can also use 1/2 milk and half water if you’re worried about consuming too many calories
1 cinnamon stick
1 pinch cardamom
1 pinch nutmeg
1 teaspoon raw local honey
1 drop doTERRA cinnamon essential oil


Combine all ingredients except for cinnamon oil and honey in a small saucepan, and turn to medium heat.

Allow the flavors to combine as you gently warm the milk.

When milk is almost hot (but not boiling), turn off the heat.

Add your cinnamon oil and honey.

Whisk the ingredients together, pour into a cup and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Serve and enjoy!


Cardamom: This spice is an excellent source of iron and manganese, making it a rock star for blood and cellular regeneration. It also contains significant amounts of riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C, and can be used as an anti-spasmodic and digestive aid. Great for the belly AND the heart. See here for more health benefits and nutritional info.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon has long been used as a medicine. It’s a good source of manganese and calcium. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and helps to lessen unwanted blood clotting. It also has strong anti-microbial properties and help control blood sugar. The list of the powerful spice’s benefits continue, so see here for more health benefits and nutritional information.

Cinnamon Oil: Cinnamon essential oil helps to boost metabolism and digestive health. It is also a powerful antioxidant, helps support immunity, enhance circulation, strengthen libido and elevate mood. See here to learn more about doTerra essential oils.

Honey: Often called “Nature’s sweetener,” local, raw, honey is a great way to add sweetness to your life. Raw honey is packed with vitamins and minerals and offers anti-bacterial and and anti-viral properties. But according to the Ayurvedic tradition, don’t cook honey. Adding significant heat to honey both strips it of its vitamins, minerals, and enzymes while creating cellular toxicity. So add it to your cool dishes, or to warmer dishes AFTER they have finished cooking. See here for more health benefits and nutritional info.

Local Raw Milk: This is a VERY touchy subject. So I will leave it to the professionals. See here if you’re interested in learning more about raw milk. Otherwise, good organic milk is a fine alternative.

Nutmeg: Nutmeg has been used in traditional medicines as an anti-fungal, anti-depressant, aphrodisiac, digestive aid. It is also a good source of copper, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, zinc, and magnesium, and B-complex vitamins including Vitamin C, folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, and Vitamin A. In small doses it’s great, but don’t overdo it! This powerful spice can be toxic if consumed in large amounts. See here for more health benefits and nutritional information.

*NOTE: Not all essential oils are created equal. I only use doTERRA because their oils are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade, which is suitable for internal, external, and aromatherapeutic consumption.

*NOTE: All doTERRA Essential Oils are extremely potent. I’d recommend 1 drop per dish. Otherwise, just know that you will have a VERY strong-tasting snack!

Click here to learn more about doTERRA Essential Oils.

Chocolate Dipped Strawbellies

Nothing says romance like chocolate dipped strawberries (except for maybe a sip-o-champagne to go with it...hint hint).

Nothing says romance like chocolate-dipped strawberries (except for maybe a sip-o-champagne to go with it…hint hint).

Guess who’s on a chocolatey fruit rampage…Me! I’m almost a little sorry that I found out that melting chocolate is so easy and delicious. Almost. That being said, this is truly one of the fastest and most rewarding desserts, that requires minimal effort, that I know of.


1 container of fresh, organic strawberries (I MEAN IT! ORGANIC OR DON’T DO IT…Strawberries are high atop the list of the pesticide-laden “Dirty Dozen” fruits and veggies list)
1 bar organic, fair trade, dark chocolate, broken into pieces (at least 70% cacao)
*Optional: 1 drop doTerra lavender, tangerine, or wild orange essential oil to kick it up a notch


Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Rinse and dry the berries.
Melt the chocolate in a small saucepan over a VERY low heat.
Turn off the heat when the chocolate is perfectly melted.
*Optional: add the drop or two of essential oil.
Hold the berry by its stem and gently roll in the chocolate until it is evenly coated.
Place the berry on the parchment.
Repeat with the rest of the berries.
Place the berry tray in the fridge for at least 10-20 minutes to allow the chocolate to set.
Serve and enjoy!

*NOTE: Not all essential oils are created equal. I only use doTerra because their oils are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade, which is suitable for internal, external, and aromatherapeutic consumption.

*NOTE: All doTerra Essential Oils are extremely potent. I’d recommend 1 drop per dish. Otherwise, just know that you will have a VERY strong-tasting snack!

Click here to learn more about doTerra Essential Oils.


Strawberries: These precious berries are packed with antioxidants and phytonutrients which help boost our immune function and decrease unwanted inflammation in the body. They are also great for regulating blood sugar and are off the charts with Vitamin C content, but also abound with dietary fiber, folate, and manganese. See here for more health benefits and nutritional info.

Cacao: Organic cacao is a legit superfood. It abounds with Vitamin A, C, and E, and a plethora of B vitamins, as well as, magnesium, copper, calcium, manganese, zinc, sulphur, iron, chromium, phosphorus, and Omega 6 fatty acids. It is also high in protein and fiber. Move over spinach! See here for more health benefits and nutritional information.

Lavender Essential Oil: Known as the “mother of all oils” for its sedative, mood modulating, analgesic (reduces pain), anxiolytic (reduces anxiety), and anti-carcinogenic properties. It is also great for digestion, and has a calming and soothing effect. See here to learn more about doTerra essential oils.

Tangerine Essential Oil: DoTerra’s Tangerine Essential oil is an extremely powerful blood purifying agent, digestive aid, anti-septic, and relaxant. It can help improve blood circulation, and reduces internal inflammation. The neurological benefits abound as well. See here to learn more about doTerra essential oils.

Wild Orange Essential Oil: Wild orange essential oils is anti-bacterial, anti-depressant, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic, and carminative (expels gas from the alimentary canal, relieving colic and spasmodic pain of bowels). It is also a digestive aid, a gentle sedative, and is hugely mood uplifting. See here to learn more about doTerra essential oils.

Dark Chocolate Fruit and Nut Medallions

Yum. That is all.

Yum. That is all.

So we had dinner with some friends the other evening and I was pressed for time to make an impressive dessert. So I whipped together my three favorite ingredients (fruit, nuts, and chocolate), added a drop of doTerra wild orange essential oil and a yummy time was had by all. This confection is sweet, salty, and aromatic. The nuts are balanced by the fresh fruit, and would work with just about any fruit/nut combo in any season (autumn: cranberry pecan, summer: orange macadamia…imagine the possibilities!). I look forward to hearing about the creative spin you put on this dessert. Bon appétit!


1 bar organic, fair trade, dark chocolate (say 70% cocoa or higher), broken into small pieces
1 cup organic blueberries (or the berry/fruit of your choice)
1 cup marcona almonds (or the nut of your choice)
1 drop doTerra wild orange essential oil

*Optional: shredded coconut, fine sea salt, goji berries, a sprinkle of orange zest…anything you think would go well with chocolate.


Line a 6-cup cupcake pan with cupcake liners.
Melt the dark chocolate over a VERY low heat.
When the chocolate is thoroughly melted, turn off the flame and pour in the drop(s) of essential oil. Stir until evenly blended.
Using a spoon, drop roughly 1 tsp. of chocolate into each cupcake liner and spread evenly across the bottom.
Sprinkle with a few berries and nuts and whatever other toppings you like.
Drizzle the whole confection with another spatter of chocolate.
*NOTE: If the chocolate is hardening too fast, just re-melt over a LOW flame.
Place in the fridge for at least 10 minutes to set.
Clean the pan and the spoon with your tongue and hide the evidence in the sudsy dishwater.

Serve and enjoy!

*NOTE: Not all essential oils are created equal. I only use doTerra because their oils are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade, which is suitable for internal, external, and aromatherapeutic consumption.

*NOTE: All doTerra Essential Oils are extremely potent. I’d recommend 1 drop per dish. Otherwise, just know that you will have a VERY strong-tasting snack!

Click here to learn more about doTerra Essential Oils.


Almonds: Almonds are a Supernut. High in monounsaturated fats (associated with reduced risk of heart disease), almonds contain high amounts of vitamin E, magnesium, and potassium. They are also high in protein, which makes them an ideal snack. See here for more health benefits and nutritional information. Many suggest that soaking nuts (and grains, legumes, and seeds) before consuming them enhances their nutritional quality.

These berries should get their own cape. They are a superfood, packed with antioxidants that can help prevent cancer, meanwhile protecting your nervous system and brain health. They’re rich with manganese, and Vitamins K and C, and are also a good source of dietary fiber. See here for more health benefits and nutritional info.

Cacao: Organic cacao is a legit superfood. It abounds with Vitamin A, C, and E, and a plethora of B vitamins, as well as, magnesium, copper, calcium, manganese, zinc, sulphur, iron, chromium, phosphorus, and Omega 6 fatty acids. It is also high in protein and fiber. Move over spinach! See here for more health benefits and nutritional information.

Wild Orange Essential Oil: Wild orange essential oils is anti-bacterial, anti-depressant, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic, and carminative (expels gas from the alimentary canal, relieving colic and spasmodic pain of bowels). It is also a digestive aid, a gentle sedative, and is hugely mood uplifting. See here to learn more about doTerra essential oils.

Rosemary Artichoke Hummus

Artichoke hearts lend a delightful creaminess to this hummus. A definite crowd pleaser!

Artichoke hearts lend a delightful creaminess to this hummus. A definite crowd pleaser!

This recipe was inspired by The Inadvertent Gardener.

We had private photo and film viewing party at our house recently for a budding photographer named Anneliese Zemp and the non-profit organization Unite Our World. It was amazing. Oodles of guests showed up in support to see the Anneliese’s photographs and Unite Our World’s documentary film about their efforts to build a self-sustaining medical clinic in a remote village in Uganda called Kampala. Yes, the evening was totally inspiring. And the food was pretty tasty too.

What does one serve at a nosh-friendly party? Hummus, of course! This new take on the old-standby that was well-received by the crowd. This recipe can easily be doubled if you’re expecting lots of hungry folks to show up at your door. Enjoy!


2 cloves roasted garlic, or 1 tsp. garlic powder
3 or 4 Tbs. fresh rosemary, roughly chopped, or a large pinch dried rosemary
1 15-ounce can chickpeas (or soak and cook your own)
1 15-ounce oz. can quartered artichoke hearts, packed in water
2 Tbs. tahini
Juice of one lemon
3 Tbs. extra virgin olive oil
1 drop doTerra rosemary essential oil
Salt to taste


Combine the garlic and rosemary in the bowl of a food processor. Pulse 8 to 10 times to chop.

Add all but 1 handful of the chickpeas, all but 1 small handful artichoke hearts, and the tahini to the bowl of the food processor. Add the essential oil to the lemon juice, stir, and add to the bowl of the food processor. Process for approximately 30 seconds. Scrape the bowl and process again while drizzling in the olive oil. Add a smidge more olive oil if the hummus feels too dry.

Add salt to taste.

Chop the remaining artichoke hearts.

Garnish the finished hummus with remaining chickpeas and artichoke, more fresh or dried rosemary and/or parsley, toasted pine nuts, paprika, and olive oil.

Serve with crackers, bread, or crudité such as jicama or daikon radish rounds for dipping. Enjoy!

*NOTE: Not all essential oils are created equal. I only use doTerra because their oils are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade, which is suitable for internal, external, and aromatherapeutic consumption.

*NOTE: All doTerra Essential Oils are extremely potent. I’d recommend 1 drop per dish. Otherwise, just know that you will have a VERY strong-tasting snack!

Click here to learn more about doTerra Essential Oils.


Garbanzo Beans: Also known as “chickpeas,” these beans are particularly high in insoluble fiber, which means you have a squeaky clean colon and feel fuller for longer when eating these legumes. They are also extremely high in lots of nutrients such as manganese, folate, and tryptophan. They are a great source of plant-based protein. If you find legumes make you gassy, try pre-soaking them for easier digestion. See here for more health benefits and nutritional information.

Lemon Juice: Lemons (and limes) are vitamin C powerhouses. Great for immunity, vitamin C can also be helpful for preventing the development and progression of atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease. See here for more health benefits and nutritional info.

Olive Oil: Olive Oil is packed phytonutrients including polyphenols. Most of the polyphenols in olive oil function as both antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients in the body. When eaten in moderation, olive oil can be very beneficial to our gastrointestinal and cardiovascular health. See here for more health benefits and nutritional information.

Rosemary Essential Oil: Rosemary essential oil is an analgesic, anti-arthritic, antibacterial, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and antioxidant. It is commonly used for calm and stress relief, cold and flu, hair care, arthritic pain, asthma, bronchitis, and digestive issues. See here to learn more about doTerra essential oils.

Tahini: Sesame seeds (of which tahini is made) are jam packed with manganese and copper, and are a good source of calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B1, zinc, and dietary fiber. See here for more health benefits and nutritional information.

Shaved Apple and Fennel Salad

Super refreshing salad tastes "in season" any time of year and goes with almost any other dish.

This super refreshing salad tastes “in season” any time of year and goes with almost any other dish.

Inspired by


Juice of ½ lemon
2 tablespoons chopped fresh tarragon
1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1 tsp. honey
1 drop doTerra lemon essential oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
2-3 granny smith apples, cored and halved
2 bulbs fennel, thinly sliced


To prepare the vinaigrette: Whisk together the lemon juice, chopped tarragon, olive oil, honey, and lemon essential oil in a small bowl and season to taste with salt and pepper.

To prepare the salad: Cut the apple into thin slices and place in a medium bowl with the fennel. Toss with the vinaigrette and season to taste with salt and pepper. Allow to sit at least 20 minutes before serving.

Toss, serve, and enjoy!

*NOTE: Not all essential oils are created equal. I only use doTerra because their oils are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade, which is suitable for internal, external, and aromatherapeutic consumption.

*NOTE: All doTerra Essential Oils are extremely potent. I’d recommend 1 drop per dish. Otherwise, just know that you will have a VERY strong-tasting meal!

Click here to learn more about doTerra Essential Oils.


Apples:  My, what balanced phytonutrients you have, oh beloved apple. Apples contain a wide array of polyphenols which help regulate our blood sugar. They’re also a great source of Vitamin C and other antioxidants, and fiber. See here for more health benefits and nutritional information.

Fennel: In addition to its abounding phytonutrients, fennel bulb is an excellent source of vitamin C, fiber, folate, and potassium. It also has a unique licorice-like flavor and a ton of crisp crunch. See here for more health benefits and nutritional information.

Lemons and Limes: Limes are vitamin C powerhouses. Great for immunity, vitamin C can also be helpful for preventing the development and progression of atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease. See here for more health benefits and nutritional info.

Lemon Essential Oil: Lemon oil has many properties including anticancer, antidepressant, antifungal, antiviral, antiseptic, and antioxidant. It is refreshing and invigorating, had can be used to help lower blood pressure, improve memory, ease sore throats and anxiety, help dissolve cellulite, boost energy, calm digestive problems, cleanse the lymphatic system, and promote a sense of well-being. See here to learn more about doTerra essential oils.

Oregano Grass-fed Beef Stuffed Calamari

Don't be afraid to taste new things! This dish was a major hit at our last dinner party. Even the squeamish came back for seconds!

Don’t be afraid to taste new things! This dish was a major hit at our last dinner party. Even the squeamish came back for seconds!

My husband and I discovered chorizo-stuffed squid in NYC recently and realized that pasture-fed beef would be a delicious replacement for the chorizo. They’re slippery little devils, so beware you don’t fling a squid across the kitchen.

In any case, if you can find tube squid (the kind sans tentacles, which you can stuff), you can fill them with anything. A great replacement for cannelloni noodles if you’re on the gluten/grain-free bandwagon. Please let me know what kinds of goodies you stuff them with. Enjoy!


One package “tube” squid

1-2 lbs. local organic grass fed beef

½ 1b. tomatoes

1 onion, chopped

1-2 cloves chopped or pressed garlic

Salt and pepper to taste

1 drop oregano essential oil


Rinse squid and allow them to marinate in juice of ½ lemon and 1 drop lemon essential oil. Set aside.

Sauté onions and garlic until brown, about 5 minutes.

Add the tomatoes and beef. Sauté until medium cooked. Salt and pepper to taste and allow to cool.

Add 1 drop oregano essential oil and mix thoroughly.

Stuff the squid until they are almost full (the meat will expand when it cooks).

Heat pan with olive oil on medium heat. Sear the stuffed squid until brown on one side. (About 1-2 minutes)

Flip and do the same on the other.

Serve and enjoy!

*NOTE: Not all essential oils are created equal. I only use doTerra because their oils are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade, which is suitable for internal, external, and aromatherapeutic consumption.

*NOTE: All doTerra Essential Oils are extremely potent. I’d recommend 1 drop per dish. Otherwise, just know that you will have a VERY strong-tasting meal!

Click here to learn more about doTerra Essential Oils.


Garlic: Garlic has long been touted as a health promoting food. It is high in sulfur (and while that might make us a little, ahem, stinky, this may be an important part of a our otherwise sulfur-deficient diets. Garlic is also rich with manganese and is a very good source of vitamins B6 and C, as well as selenium. This “stinky rose” also protects our blood vessels from inflammatory and oxidative stress, but its other health benefits abound. See here for nutritional info. Please note: due to its rajastic nature, garlic and onions are NOT part of the traditional Saatvic diet.

Grass Fed Beef: Research has shown that meat, eggs, and dairy products from pastured animals are much better for your health than their mega-farmed counterparts. They offer more “good” fats, and fewer “bad” fats, are richer in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals such as vitamins E, beta-carotene, and vitamin C. Plus they don’t contain the added hormones and antibiotics generally found in the factory farmed variety. See here for more health benefits and nutritional info.

Onion:  Like garlic, onions are high in sulfur (and while that might make us a little, ahem, stinky, this may be an important part of a our otherwise sulfur-deficient diets. They are a very good source of vitamins B6 and C, fiber, and manganese. They help protect our blood, bone, and connective tissue. See here for other health benefits and nutritional info. Please note: due to its rajastic nature, garlic and onions are NOT part of the traditional Saatvic diet.

Dried Oregano/Oregano Essential Oil: In essential oil form, oregano is a powerful antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antioxidant, anti-parasitic, antiseptic, anti-viral and disinfectant. See here to learn more about doTerra essential oils.

Tomato: Tomatoes are packed with antioxidants such as vitamin C and beta-carotene. They also contain high amounts of manganese and vitamin E. Multiple studies have shown that tomatoes are wonderful for heart health. See here for more health benefits of tomatoes. Heirloom varieties of any flora and fauna are dear to my heart. I’ll write more about this later. See here for more health benefits and nutritional information.